Gender and transition affirming therapy in Seattle and across greater Washington

“There’s nothing wrong with you. There’s a lot wrong with the world you live in.”

Chris Colfer

Gender and Transition

Whether you are just beginning to scratch the surface about your gender, have chosen to step into medical transition, or are struggling with mixed feelings and conflicting thoughts about it all, you’ve come to the right place.

Gender variations have existed as long as people have but you wouldn’t know it today. Research shows that being ‘othered’ in our society has its own layer of trauma, aside from the the things you’ve experienced. This means that honoring your gender as part of your authentic self can have many of its own challenges, on top of the other things that are going on for you. Understanding the impact of systemic trauma while honoring that you know you best, especially in regards to this journey, is essential to your personal growth and empowerment.

This is why working with me is such a unique opportunity.

Androgynous Transfemme Transmasc Non binary Agender Genderfluid Femme Genderqueer Butch Two Spirit Pangender Demigender Bigender Transwoman Transman



Why work with me:

  • you are tired of hiding and ready to live authentically

  • you want a therapist qualified to treat trauma AND gender instead of seeing 2 different therapists

  • you want to work with someone with shared experience but who also understands its a part of you, not all of you

  • you understand that systemic trauma is complex and recognize that you deserve to work with someone with specialized training in how heteronormativity, cisnormativity, and other systems of oppression may be negatively impacting your self worth and overall mental health

Gender and Transition Basics

Medical Transition

  • Hormone replacement therapy can be as exciting as it can be anxiety provoking. Because I am a therapist who is well versed in all the possible side effects and desired results, our sessions can enhance your journey in remarkable ways.

    Some benefits include helping you better prepare for challenges, helping you lean into your successes, and encouraging you to keep exploring your hopes and dreams of what comes next.

  • My extensive training supporting clients through the surgery process lays a solid foundation to help you explore your options, no matter where you are in regards to this topic.

    **I comply with all WPATH8 requirements for surgery referral letters, as recommended. I do not write open ended letters as ROIs need to be included in order to protect client confidentiality. Ask me more when you reach out.

Questions and Confusion

  • Is gender a spectrum? A social construct? A performance? An expression of self? Isn’t part of it supposed to be an inherent knowing??

    There’s a lot of information and ideas out there about what gender is and what it’s supposed to mean. Working with me will allow you the space to explore these (or other questions) and give you the chance to dig deep in order to make your own meaning about who you are and where your gender journey needs to go.

  • It’s natural to have a wide variety of responses when someone comes out to us about their gender. It’s also important to have an informed and affirming place to process your thoughts and feelings while you walk your own journey along side them.

    I have the experience and training to help you sort through all the simple and complex pieces in order to come out the other side feeling grounded, clear headed, and prepared for whatever step comes next for you.

Support and Safety

  • Sometimes just knowing you’re in community with others who share some lived experience can make all the difference!

    Sometimes you just want to get into it, so you can get on with feeling better. Sometimes it’s comforting to know that you don’t have to explain your gender again or how it contributes to what you’re talking about because some of this is already understood.

    And other times, its nice to just be somewhere that your gender can be the topic of conversation without expectation that the conversation is going to get side tracked by something else.

  • Gender fluid and fiercely queer, you can know you are entrusting your heart, your story, and your wellness to a person and a business that likely has not only shared some of your struggles but shares some of your ethics and values as well.